Jaxlee and the physical therapist that started it all for us

Finding Purpose in Your Position

I’m a bit of a blubbery mess coming off of our eighth 3 week intensive at LEAP Therapy with Jaxlee. (More about LEAP here!

It is such an emotional few weeks for me and our entire family and to top it all off we’re celebrating Jaxlee’s 10th birthday today which just has me over the top in my feels. 

I want to share a bit more about what these intensives are like for our family and the experiences that we have in case you find yourself in a challenging or painful position you didn’t ask for. Here’s how it goes …

Prepping for Therapy

In the time leading up to our intensives, excitement is building! I’m busy getting childcare in place for my two younger kids, meal prepping as much as possible, and putting everything I can think of in the car “just in case.” 

We are always so excited to see the therapists that we’ve built relationships with over the last four years. We spend a lot of time together in these three weeks every 6 months and they are truly like family. Here’s Jax with the therapist that started it all with us:


Therapy in Progress

Then it’s finally time to see our friends again and get started with the intensive! This involves a lot of driving to and from, snacks in the car, and of course the emotion of Jaxlee’s progress. 

Every time we’re back in therapy, I’m amazed by how far she’s come since our last sessions. As a mom, I’m so proud of how hard she’s worked. It’s overwhelming just to sit here and think about how much she’s changed in her 10 years of life!! 

She’s working so hard and we’re full of celebration and encouragement as she navigates to the next benchmark. 

Meeting New Friends

While we’re in therapy, we meet other families who are also in the middle of intensives. We have formed some really special relationships with families navigating the most rare diagnoses and circumstances. 

These families have their own struggles and knowing that we’re not alone in our efforts to support Jaxlee is such an encouragement. We’re high fiving on the way in and high fiving on the way out. We become each other’s cheerleaders and are able to share our stories and connect with one another in ways that only a family working through where we’re at can understand. 

It seems that every intensive we’ve done God places one family in our path to connect with. My mama heartstrings are pulled as I watch other kids navigate the most challenging conditions. Sometimes it can be so heavy and so heartbreaking and I am continually reminded that these families need Jesus. 

Finding Purpose in Our Position

Many of the families we meet are not believers and to see them figuring out how to work together as a family and support a child with severe needs reminds me of the opportunity I have to shine Jesus’ light in all situations. 

The truth is, we didn’t dream of having a child with CP and being in three week long physical therapy intensives that take all our energy every six months. But we’re here, and I have to believe that God has a purpose for us being in this place. 

Having the opportunity to shine our light to the families around us and represent Jesus and His goodness and mercy every day is a purpose I’ve found within this position. Maybe you’re in a place of pain or in a position you didn’t imagine you’d be— I invite you to consider what your purpose might be right there in that position God has you in and lean into that. The more we lean into our purpose of shining Jesus’ light for those around us, the more joy we feel and the more grace we have for the challenging days during these intensives. 

Wrapping Up Another Round

At the end of our three weeks, I’m emotionally and physically exhausted from it all. I find myself reflecting on my two younger kiddos who sacrifice so much for these intensives. They’re shuffled between family members and babysitters, going long days without seeing Jonny or me and doing their best to keep a smile for their big sister. 

It’s a lot for a mama heart to handle!!! 

There’s always some relief when the weeks are over. We’re so grateful for everyone who sacrifices to make it happen for our family, all the encouragement we get online and in real life, and proud of our perseverance to work through something hard as a family and see Jaxlee progress every time. 

Above all, I am just so grateful for the experience. The reminder to be a light for Jesus in every position I’m in is one I always need and I hope it’s a message that encourages you today, too. 


P.S. I’d love to hear how the Lord is using you in your position. Drop a comment or email me at hello@emilyreneebarton.com to share your story! Your light doesn’t go unnoticed.

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