As many of you know, we dove headfirst into the world of clean living when our daughter Jaxlee was born six years ago. Our clean living journey was why I got into Beautycounter, and it’s why we are conscientious about what we eat, put on our bodies, or bring into our home. Yes, we still eat Chick Fil A and In N Out (let’s be real– we need those too!), but we try really hard to consume nontoxic products!
The more I dig into clean living, the more I learn about simple changes and choices I can make for our family. For just the right personality type it can be addicting, and for the right personality type, it can be totally overwhelming. Which way do you tend to lean?!
I’ve heard the phrase “progress not perfection” kicked around quite a bit, and I’ve adopted it in my clean living journey. Little can accumulate and contribute to making a big impact on your health and your family’s health. So why not start today with a simple step?
Here are five clean living mom hacks I’ve picked up over the years:
#1 Shoes off in the house:

Shoes track in bacteria (like over 400,000 different types of bacteria!!), toxins (think gasoline, antifreeze, & herbicides, etc…EWW), & dirt (more cleaning, more work– no thank you). Shoes off in the house will create an overall cleaner living environment for you and your family.
#2 Stainless steel water bottles:

Once I learned about BPA, I started noticing all the plastic in my living environment. We have ditched plastic water bottles and replaced them with stainless steel. I even opted to splurge on the Kids Hydro Flask water bottles because of how easy they are to clean (dishwasher safe), and how they keep the kids’ water cold in the summer heat. I also find that mentally I keep track of these suckers better because I know they cost a little more than your average Target sippy cup.

In line with trying to reduce the plastic we use/consume, I got rid of all my plastic food storage containers and replaced them with glass. I have found a couple of added benefits with the glass storage:
- They organize and stack so much better than the plastic. (Which means I’m not hunting down lids! Praise.)
- I know they are truly being cleaned and sanitized in the dishwasher (I don’t have to mess with the plastic melting or holding onto bacteria. Gross.)
- They don’t leach chemicals into the food I am about to consume, all while naturally preserving the food longer.
- When I am ready to reheat the food contents, I can just use the glass container and don’t have to worry about heating my food in plastic (creating a chemical reaction release once again into my food). I have found the best deal is at Costco, and I always watch for when they go on sale.
#4 Essential Oils:

EO’s are a whole world of their own and have played a part in our clean living journey from the very beginning. I reach for Essential Oils for everything from helping my kids calm an upset tummy to reducing the swelling or itch of a bee sting. Let me tell you–this is just the tip of the iceberg of what essential oils can cover!! We use Young Living, and I find that the best place to dip your toe in, is a starter set. Once you get a handle on the basics, you can branch out from there. I keep an essential oil guide book in my kitchen so next time my baby is teething, instead of reaching for the Tylenol I open up my book and look up the teething section to see all the oils that I can use to help support my baby through the teething process.
#5 Laundry Soap & Products:

This one is a big one that I think can easily be overlooked. We all do laundry. We all put clothes on over our entire body– our largest organ. Our skin then soaks up whatever is on it, including the ingredients your laundry detergent is depositing into your fabrics. This is not only clothes but bedding, blankets, towels… when you break it all down it’s pretty surprising right?
Here are the biggest ingredients to avoid: Fragrance, chlorine, sulfates, phosphates, formaldehyde, ammonium & dioxane.
Here is what you will see when you open up my cabinet above my washer & dryer. Branch Basics Oxygen Boost, Borax, Laundry, Branch Basics 100% Wool Dryer Balls, Seventh Generation (Free & Clear options), and Seventh Generation Chlorine Free Bleach.
You got this, mama! If anyone can figure out how to simultaneously juggle kids and life and business AND kick the toxins out… it’s YOU.
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