When I first became a Beautycounter Consultant almost five years ago, my goal wasn’t to have a fun side hustle. We had a baby with special needs and Jonny was gone for days on end on his journey to become a firefighter. I couldn’t work my day job and my hair and makeup business and support our family the way we needed to at the time. For me, my approach was all in.
I did all the trainings and followed all of the advice Beautycounter HQ gave. I was a sponge, learning about all the products and testing them out. But while I learned about the job, I also did the job.
I hit the Director promotion within 5 months, and it’s not because I had some magical power. It was because I worked my booty off, girl!
So, if you’re like I was and you want to– or need to!– make this side business a full-time income, here’s some quick advice:
Share the impact and performance of Beautycounter products with 100 people. I’m not joking about that number, babe. Here’s why:
- People need to see and hear about your new business venture.
- Get out your calendar and jot down ideas of people to contact every day of the month– shoot for 3-4 conversations a day.
- Share how BC has transformed your life so they can see your authentic excitement AND the impact of the product.
- Use email, coffee dates, text messages, and every social media platform you have.
- Don’t stop at the first step! Drop off samples, follow up a few weeks later, and make it happen. Do whatever it takes to get your face and the product in front of as many people as possible.
This is your business. Own it. Be proud of it. And then tell people about it! They’ll see and feel your enthusiasm and that will lead them to their first purchase. And once they start, I promise, they won’t stop.
Remember that this is a long-haul approach. I have some clients that didn’t start buying Beautycounter until this year, even though I’ve been talking about it with them off and on since the beginning. Marketers will tell you that it takes at least 8 touchpoints with a prospect until you make a sale. So yeah, start talking about it!
If you want to learn more about how I grew my business in that first year as a Consultant, check out my freebie here: 5 Ways to Build a Thriving Beautycounter Business. Hint: you already learned the first one!

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