If there is a theme that unites us most in 2020, one message that everyone has mumbled under their breath while staring at empty shelves or while logging on to another Zoom call, it’s this: 2020 is the worst year ever.
And I get it. I’ve had my moments for SURE… like having to teach my special needs child from 8-2 every day 5 days a week. Let me tell you, I haven’t looked forward to the weekends so much since I was filling out multiple choice tests in high school.
But I went back through this year, scrolling through photos and remembering moments– big and small– that made for an incredible year. It gave me a whole new level of gratitude.
I wanted to slap myself in the face for having a bad attitude at times, or for telling myself this year has been “hard” or just really an overall ungrateful spirit. Like who am I kidding?
So friends, here is my 2020 Highlight Reel
#1 Jaxlee is potty trained!

While she still has accidents and taking her to the bathroom is very physically taxing on me, I honestly questioned for the last 6 years if we would ever see this day. This is just another reminder to myself to never put limitations on her, on myself, or anyone for that matter. We are all more capable than we could ever think or imagine.
#2 Our move!

After living in Southern California for the last 13 years, we opted to relocate to the Central Valley to be closer to family and to take advantage of a slower pace of life. (Read the full story here!) With any new change comes pros & cons, but we are so grateful for the change in pace and the support I get while Jonny is at work.
#3 Jonny & I bought our dream home!
As a couple we have worked our tails off over the last 8 years to pursue our dreams. We’ve worked minimum wage jobs, two jobs at once, been through the fire academy, started and grown my businesses, and we’ve done it all as a team. We both had to sacrifice a lot and practice even more patience. We did this all together. The moment we bought our dream home was a moment of pure joy and celebration resulting from a culmination of 8 years in the making!!
#4 We paid off $35k in debt!
Yes, we bought our dream house, but we also paid off over $35k in debt (including one of our cars). Choosing to work over bingeing Netflix is an effective strategy, friends.
#5 Jaxlee is in General Ed Kindergarten!
While it looks nothing like I dreamed, Jaxlee was placed into the General Ed Kindergarten class after being in Special Ed for the last 3 years. This came with a fight and persistence on my end, but we did it!! After a few LONG months of distance learning via Zoom, she is now with her peers a few hours a day in the Gen Ed setting and I am SO proud of that girl.
#6 Rebranded and relaunched website + blog!

I’ve had a dream of doing more with my website, I just felt stuck. I want other women to feel good in what they eat and how they look, which is the heart behind Where Glamour Meets Green. This year I did it! Since my birthday, we’ve published 22 blogs on health and wellness, increased my Pinterest and email game, been published in a local magazine, and a few more fun things are ahead.
#7 Hired teammates: Corrie Myers + Amy Kuehl
It’s been well over a year since I knew I needed to hire help, I honestly just didn’t know who or how I would do that. God brought two of the perfect people in my life at just the right time. Once I found them, my biggest regret was not hiring them earlier. But ALL I can say is how thankful I am to have them now. If it weren’t for them, my business would not be where it is at today!!
#8 Increased our Beautycounter sales from 2019 to 2020.

Let me give you a few stats that have us super excited over here: In Nov 2019 our team did $79,400 in collective sales. This year, our team did $144,422 sales. AMAZING! For me personally, I hit a big goal as well. In November of 2019 my sales were $8,220 and in November 2020 they were $15,684. How did I do that? That’s what four years of working my business and showing up flaws and all looks like. So grateful for my clients and my team who helped make this possible!
When I really took the time to look and identify all that I have been blessed with this year, it made me sick to think that I was going to write this year off as “maybe better luck for 2021.” There was so much GOOD that happened, and I just had to shift my mindset to see it all.
I encourage you to do the same! Take 20 minutes and look back on your year, write down the big and small things you were blessed with. It could be as simple as the privilege of having clean drinking water at your fingertips or teaching your child to ride a bike. The perspective shift changes us from the inside out.
[…] the year to achieve them. And man, when I do achieve a goal or a dream, it feels amazing. (Read more about my highlights from 2020 here!) It lights a fire under my butt to keep on going towards the next […]
[…] Oh, and if you want a trip down memory lane, here is my 2020 year in review! […]
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